About us

The name ZANDO came from our founder and his wife’s name, “Zack and Olivia”. In 2000, they both studied in Columbia University. Like the beginning of every love fairy tale, they fell in love with each other at first sight in college. After graduating from university, they returned home and created “ZANDO” which combined with both their name to memory their love. Because of the study experience in US and some understanding of the US market, ZANDO started her Business territory in US. Over the years, we have been fortunate to get the support from enthusiastic and friendly American customers, so that the brand can develop steadily. ZANDO’s brand idea is “Inspire your confidence and beauty”. In order to make more female friends to gain self-confidence and beauty, ZANDO begins to explore the global market and do more for European customers. We hope that all people can gain confidence and beauty, and all confident and beautiful ladies can get sweet love as “Zack& Olivia”. ZANDO always keep do better.
Should you have any question, please contact our customer service: zandoservice@outlook.com
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